Lemon Ginger Honey Elixir

Lemon Ginger Honey Elixir

Perfect on chilly days to warm the soul. This elixir helps to ease the side efficts of a cold or sore throat. 


4-5 fresh lemons, juiced
3/4 cup cold water
3-4 inch piece ginger, peeled and cut into thin medallions
2-3 Tbsp raw honey (or to taste)
optional add-ins turmeric + black pepper, cinnamon, fresh garlic

  1. Add lemon juice, water and ginger to a small pot. Bring up to just a boil, turn off heat and allow to steep 4-5 minutes.
  2. In a clean glass jar, add honey and top with honey/ginger mixture. 
  3. Add 2-3 oz or to taste to your favorite mug and top with cold water.
  4. Store elixir in the refridgerator and use within a few days.



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